Saturday, April 15, 2006

Getting High

Well, just got back from my 4 day ramble in the High Peaks and loved it, I did. Did a 4 hour walk to the beginning area of Kinder scout and then walked the ridge across to Upper Booth area of Edale. At this point, the hill was so steep I slid down it on my ass!! What fun that was and sooooo much quicker! I was at the bottom of the hill in less than 10 minutes!!Wicked! Why ever no-one has thought about making this behaviour into a sport, I'll never know! So there you go, the new invented sport by ranting Sara is called 'Butt Hill Sliding'.
After these long walks, the pub waited nicely to be drank dry, by the likes of me! I love this part of the world and wish I could live there but it's so 'damned' expensive :(
I had time to think about and miss a friend alot too but that's all character building stuff I suppose and I hope we'll become good friends again in the future - time will tell.
Edale? I'll be visiting you again soon I reckon. Twice, three times a year does it nicely for me.

1 comment:

Sara said...

You know Barnze, I've been thinking about that one too! Better get on the case eh? I reckon they'd ban it though, due to hill erosion!!