Sunday, March 08, 2009

Wonderful Buddhist Meditation and Chant

So, here we are Sunday and I'm feeling tired..have had bouts of sadness over the past week because of what has occurred more recently with someone I have spent most weekends with and with whom I am very much enamoured with thus, I have and am missing him but I have to be true to myself, my needs as a woman and live under no false illlusions, lies and negativity..This therefore has meant that I have had to take a certain path..

I had a good time last night, around sweet friends. My original plan went to pot cos a mate let me down at the last minute, which I was disappointed about but luckily, I managed to hear from another mate who was out and about and so, joined up with them for a pub crawl and then dancing.

I met the wonderful actress who plays Shaun's girlfriend in 'This is England'. She was at the club night and I approached her in the toilets, remarking on how good the film was and indeed, that I thought she played the part of his girlfriend really well. She was a sweetheart and very friendly!

Today I came across this meditation. It's a Buddhist meditation and chant and is truly lovely and sort of takes the mind away for me, I think the Buddhist centre is calling me this week for the Friday meditation.. Anyway, see what you think and I hope you enjoy this link..

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