Sunday, December 06, 2009

Long Time No Write

So it seems a long time since I last popped my head into here. I guess time has been passing me by quickly and other things have been more urgent than writing on my blog. Creative energy zapps and always. One moment I may get a huge urge to write followed by a complete dryness of writing ideas. I guess this all boils down to busyness of life and other things taking priority.
A few weeks ago was my Mum's memoriam, 4 years since her passing which in many ways, the time seems to have flown yet it feels so clear in my mind and memories..I know that a void within me took a hold the day she died and I do think it always will be as such for me.
Anyway, life must move forward and onwards....
Today I did a lovely walk with my 10 year old son around the university park, we fed squirrels and ducks and watched a wonderful Raven perch close by. I do love these birds! They are so majestic and eeery on many levels but also have an interesting symbolism with regards to folklore and magic. They are definitely a mysterious creature and the one we saw today was all of the above. It was good to get out and abouit in the fresh air and take in the cool December air and watch the water bob to and fro..such is the joy of being out in natural surroundings. During Xmas, I hope to stay in the countryside for a few nights and do plenty of walking with the man, time and money will tell. Anyway, off I dash and I will post up some poems soon that I have recently written when under my creative spell! Happy and Hearty December to you all!