Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Take it by the bollocks?

Fuckinell, so it's decided. The Manc and I are officially in a relationship! God. Ain't it amazing how things just happen without any forewarning? I was not, completely NOT looking for a relationship, mainly cos of the past few years of let downs. However, sometimes it's just not good enough to let a good thing pass you by and the Manc, I truly feel, is possibly my soul mate. Hard to describe but everything with him and about him is so easy, honest, open, loving and as we both put it to each other, our feelings are mutual.. Taking life by the bollocks? Truly am for life could end tomorrow and I want to experience him and all he is about, just as much as he does me..the words he has spoken to me have humbled and made me feel completely empowered and truly special..

Thus, we have decided to go away together. He will be booking a flight to Athens with me and coming on holiday.. Can't wait! We both want to hire bikes, swim, snorkel, walk, club, get drunk, visit another island, love, play and nurture. I'm trying to not get too ahead of myself and keeping it all real but you know, it all feels so very real anyway so why put a lid on the realness? And you know, thoughts of him make my belly and heart feel fluffy, warm and whole.. 'kinell!!!!!


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Good on ya'

Nice one, good luck and enjoy the loving!

Aunt Jackie said...

Must honestly say that I am so jealous that all you guys seem to travel so much!! :)

I wanna gooooo ((waahhh))

Furtheron said...

So pleased for you... hope it all keeps going well.

Sara said...

Yes people, he's a gent and it all feels so natural, fun and open and almost like the man has always been in my life..strange!!
2 weeks without seeing each other has been tough though but phone conversations and letter writing have helped...Haha, and here's me saying that I want to take things slow??? Well the manc changed that one now didn't he???