Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day Lump In My Throat..

It's Valentine's Day. A day that I don't usually think much about, dear reader. This year it feels somehow different. I don't know why but I've had a constant lump in my throat since I read a thread on my favourite forum, dear reader.
A thread dedicated to me. A thread dedicated to my loveliness. How sweet is that? How thoughtful is that? How dedicated is that? How caring is that? I'm touched dear reader. Extremely touched. Such a lovely thing for a person to do. This special person has actually taken the time out to think of me today. Why then dear reader am I feeling sadness? Sad about so many things; Words can't comprehend.
They say that the Throat Chakra is the area of communication. To feel pain in the throat on a holistic level, means there is a blockage. A communication blockage. This makes sense in many ways. Pain comes for different reasons.
Valentine's day in Nottingham. A strange vibe. An angry, tense atmosphere. I observed different people on their daily missions. I observed a few women with single red roses. Who were their loves? What were their lives? Were they happy? Was their life simple?
I observed a few couples in conflict with one another. Angry at each other. Angry at the world around them.
Bus journey and I'm thinking. I thought to myself, whilst peering through murky, unclean glass, how strange we are as people. How positively destructive we are to each other and yet in contrast, how inwardly beautiful we can be. How very beautiful we can be.


Sara said...

No didn't go out..Was being a little bit miserable...I wish those guys on the forum would find something a little more interesting to talk about, rather than their fascinations with all things anal. Jesus!!

Sara said...

Seems to be getting a little better over the last few days...Fingers crossed!