Thursday, December 15, 2005

Donnie Darko and emotions

Well, I showed this fantastic film to a group of students today. It was enjoyed by all and their remarks that followed, was both interesting and enlightening about how people read this film.
Donnie Darko is a truly emotive film, in my opinion. I came away from the session feeling that alot had been achieved in the sense that the group of students had discussed the film really well and each had their own conclusive thoughts. I also came away from the session feeling somewhat spaced out, on another planet. almost!
This film taps into areas of the brain that I feel are not often tapped into, a sort of ancient emotion of times gone by. I can't quite explain this feeling but it gives a slight pain behind the ear region and on the lumpy part at the back of the head - some part of the brain cortex I imagine. For example the area of the brain known as the temporal lobe which finds itself concerned with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli (hearing) and memory (hippocampus).I don't know a whole lot about the brain butI believe the emotive side of the brain, can be felt on a physical plane. Anyway thats my heavy ranting for today!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Ha ha ha!! LOL. I's after watching that bloody film..I love it but it makes you feel all strange and contemplative! But the brain thing is a weird one...I get this strange pain sometimes behind the ear region when I feel emotional about stuff...maybe I'm just growing an extra head really!! :)