Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Eve and I'm Happy!!

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Happy New Year to all of you guys out there! I had such a great New Years Eve at my brother's house. I managed to neck a bit too much vodka. I managed to slip over and almost sprain my ankle. I danced to 'My Way' and 'Suspicious Minds' by Elvis, with my Dad. I had a big debate about women's oppression with my brother and almost decked him. I spent 3 hours talking and reminiscing to an ex boyfriend from my teenage days - fuck I went wrong somewhere - he's high up in a banking company and earns stupid amounts of cash!! I sent a text to someone that I really shouldn't have sent. I was partner in crime by getting the said ex, stoned.I rang an old friends house at 2am. I danced to random dance tracks. I wept.I thought about my Mum. I contemplated and now I feel enlightened. Yep New Year was decidedly great!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wey hey!! Funny times eh New Years ..and fun all the same!