Saturday, April 22, 2006


Just been reading a truly sad story in the paper today about a young woman who suffered from Bi Polar, throughout her teenage and young adult years. In the end, her depression got the better of her. This made me think about my own experiences of mental health issues and struck a chord in some respects.,,1757728,00.html

1. I've experienced people's severe depression/mania/schizophrenia on a personal level through a very close friend who was hospitalised under the mental health act for at least 6-9 months. He was extremely hard work before he was diagnosed. He was never dangerous to me or his friends but became abusive to his close family and himself. Thankfully, he's stable now and not as at risk, as he was say 5 years ago.
One of my best friends from junior school became severly ill when she was in her teenage years. Her diagnosis back then was 'Schizophrenia'as she was constantly experiencing auditory hallucinations. I don't see her anymore as she moved away but I often think about her.
2. Many of the students I teach encounter mental health problems ranging from depression, Bi Polar, Schizophrenia, Personality Disorders etc.
3. My Mum used to have bouts of 'light' depression and when the going got tough, she'd leave home and for a few days to get some space. Her grandmother also killed herself by drowning herself. I don't think my Mum was ever suicidal, at least she never discussed this with me but who knows what dark depths she may have struggled with.

Interestingly, as a society, there is still a stigma attached to mental health sufferers. Many of the 'general public' have a lack of understanding about mental health issues.I honestly believe as a society we should do more to educate people about mental health issues which will equip us all with a better awareness.I also think that as a society, we live more isolated lives which in many ways can be truly lonely for those living alone and contribute to mental health difficulties.

For further info about mental health awareness see MIND link.

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