Friday, April 21, 2006

Yet again.........

Well had a great, if not too drunken, night of it last night. I've been dreaming about this place all day long in my hungover, vegetative and dehydrated state.
This beautiful place is the area around the Ladybower Dam in Bamford, Derbyshire. My son calls it 'America'. He says it reminds him of some parts in America! Not that he's been to America mind, but obviously seen too much American TV!!
Did a lovely walk around part of this dam and really appreciated the view. It's funny to think that at one time there was a village there that was flooded to make way for the dam!
Supposed to be off to an Engagement party tonight but think I'm gonna give it a miss cos I'm still feeling shite :( Naughty me!!

Anyway back to feeling like a vegetable!!

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