Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Words of wisdom?

Days like today are weird. I've been thinking about all the mistakes (if that's what they are called) I've made in life, as indeed, we all randomly do.Not in a depressive way though, I must say. With regards to mine, it seems some of the mistakes I've made, are with the men I've chose to, at one point or another, settle down with.

Now thinking about this on a rational level, I tell myself that 'it's all a learning experience' 'people often grow apart' etc, etc. It's funny though how you meet people and end up in long term relationships to come out of them years down the line thinking to yourself...

"My God I've spent so much time of my life with you and for what? OK in my case two lovely young sons!"

Indeed so much time with a person, that you were once so close to. How is it people drift apart so much? Is it the everyday stresses that we endure as humans? Is it the plain old fact that some people are just NOT compatible? Are we more misguided when we're younger about the right choices for us?
And please, don't get me wrong, all the men I've had long term relationships with have been lovely, kind, caring people in their own way, who have loved me in the best way they know possible.

I recall my mother saying to me when I was 24 years old and pregnant

"Are you sure this is what you want? What about all of your plans to see the world and enjoy so many other things" She uttered.

"Of course, I'll be fine, it won't change my life that much and I'll travel when I'm older" Said I.

My rational, strong, free-spirited head was thinking that I'd be fine, I'd cope and life would be fine. Looking back on this time, I wasn't wholly 'in love' with my son's father. I liked who he was in many ways but there was just something quite 'not there' for me. Deep down in my heart, I knew I wouldn't be with this man for the rest of my life. This may well sound strange to all of you who read this but it's true and I felt it.

The second time I got pregnant, years later, was a more happy, settled union, albeit with differing problems, which with time, increased and increased it seemed to the point of no return.

So I look back now at my life and think about whether my Mum's words were wise. I think my Mum sensed that I haven't always been wholly 'content'. I think in many ways, she felt I deserved a better deal. So why didn't I think that?
I wouldn't change anything in my life though, because it has made me who I am today (rational head stepping in again) and has made me an even more understanding person regarding the 'human condition'.
I suppose in many ways though, we go on in life falling into some of the most unlikely unions and just become settled; we assume that's 'good enough' and 'just put up with what you've got'.
But is it really right to think this? Age tells me not and maybe with hindsight,I should've listened to my wise Mum a little harder.I wish she was still here,so I could talk to her on a deeper level about this again.
I divert my thoughs to my childhood years, my air of independence, being a middle child. My fear of people getting too close and me backing off.I don't know why I felt this but I did. My running away from home, when I was 5 and 7 years old, hiding to see if my Mum followed me; me craving attention I sense.
All of these things make me think that on some level, I have to look at myself and the part I've played in making mistakes, where my long term relationships are concerned.


Sara said...

Absolutely! My eldest is getting like that now :( Cheeky bugger he is!

Sara said...

Cheers Barnze - That's so true. I do like myself - mind you it's been a rocky road to travel to get to that but at least I'm there now. :)


I'm steady!...well, after a vodka or three anyroad.....tend to wobble a bit when sober.....

You're doin fine. No worries.