Thursday, November 10, 2005

I just can't be bothered today!!

You ever had one of those days where you just can't be arsed with anything? Well, that's my experience of living on planet Earth today! I've even come home from work early today because I just can't be arsed!! Hmm when's the next full moon due? Maybe the forces of the magical moon are pulling at my body into that lunacy phase! Although checking on google, the invaluable search engine, it states that the moon is only 68% full...oh dear..bad news for that theory then!! I must remind myself though that this does happen to me a few days of the month and probably due to the anatomy of the female body! I'm gonna do a long swim tomorrow and that should do the trick...water therapy always does it for me!


Sara said...

Well would you know it..I'm striking today but in bed !! I've got flu!! Typical!
Lovely to get a comment from you Barnze...I haven't got a clue how you add a link to a blog...I tell ya I'm well amateur when it comes down to technical stuff!!

Sara said...

PS....hope you and Mrs B enjoyed the outside caterers food!! I do it on slighlty too many occassions!!