Monday, February 09, 2009

Best of Both Worlds?

What is it with people who want the best of both worlds? Who are torn between two people? The worst is, when you're the one on the receiving end of it!
Now don't get me wrong, I know we're all NOT perfect but for God's sake, it's not a nice feeling to be in the middle of a situation like this..
So what to do? I guess letting the other party know about my existence and enlightening them, could be an option? I'm not into revenge really but I feel the other party should have certain knowledge to ascertain a situation and know the truth..

Turn away from it could be another option?

I'm confused guys and could be good to hear your views!


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Cake and eat it.

Natural but bullshit, either way.


Sara said...

Yeps, what you call 'head fuckin' stuff for sure..

Cheers Daniel. peace to you!

Furtheron said...

I've often been a "foot in both camps" person - not in person relationships but many other things. So my take on this trait of mine is that it is all about fear...

So the basic question is "Will I be better off here or there?"

Becasue of the fear of there being worse than here I then try to be in both places at once with the option of either moving the final foot out of here once I know I'm safe there or pulling the first foot back from there if it hurts.

Problem is that this makes you never really move on this procrastication this non-commital method...

Just my thoughts.

Sara said...

Thanks Furtheron and food for thought indeed! I don't know, maybe righteousness is staring me right in the face..

Sara said...

But one thing's for sure..I ain't revenging no-one and let those who practice as such come to their own time of enlightenment and awareness..whether they ever do though, remains to be seen..use to hold the belief that people CAN change, maybe people essentially never break out of their patterns of destructive behaviour that in the nd, hurts parties involved but also and sadly, themself..shitness really!