Monday, February 09, 2009

Oh the DREAD of the ensuing Valentine's Day

14th February, as we know in the UK, is Valentine's Day! It's also my son's birthday but this year, he's spending his birthday with his Dad and we're gonna have another birthday celebration the following week with his mates and some footie fun.

This year, after a conversation today, I feel like following Greta Garbo's footsteps and becoming a recluse for the day! I'm sure she became a recluse didn't she? Or am I mistaken??

I haven't sent a Valentine's card for a good few years - think it was 2006 or 2007 when I last sent was a sweet card, not your normal Hallmark affair but a beautiful jade colour with lovely red? Or were they pink??? leaf type love hearts on spindly branches, if I remember also had tinges of gold and in fact, I wanted to keep it myself it was so beautiful! And indeed, it was the first card I sent in many years cos my son's dad when we were together, never believed in the tripeness of it! I thought it was sort of romantic to celebrate Valentine's Day but hey ho, that's where people differ I guess! I think from now on the Valentine Day word should be called 'V Day'!

I recently received and started to read a great book by Diane Di prima - 'Recollections of my life as a Woman', a beat poet from the 50s onwards..the book has so much small print but the content is wonderful and brill observations are made about her life as a woman in the world and indeed, the obstacles she faced!..Anyway, off to read some more and bury the thought of V day!


humanobserver said...

For me it is just a normal day. Why ? cause I can celebrate my love on any other day. :)

Furtheron said...

It's all a bit of a con isn't it. Why do roses seem to cost 4 times as much on that day than any other?

Sara said...

Never been a fan of red roses but I like to share the time with one I have feelings for and if thaa ain't happning then Hmm, makes you think eh?

Aunt Jackie said...

Valentine's Day SUCKS. :) Always has, and still does even though I'm married... Just too much pressure, and too much commercialization. I love simple, heartfelt gestures.