Monday, March 24, 2008

Heavenly Holiday

Easter weekend? Never been a big celebrater of all things Easter and the like and this year my youngest son went to stay with his Dad whilst my eldest son is on holiday visiting his father in Denmark.

I invited A over on Friday for a meal and Friday lasted right through til Monday! I couldn't wait to see him on Friday, we stayed up until 6am and finally crashed until 3pm the next day..the meal didn't get eaten on Friday so we ate it on Saturday instead whilst chilling to some TV. Again, we stayed up until 4am Sunday and woke around 4pm..dear me! I was invited to an Enchanted Garden Party on Sunday night and invited A, however, he ummed and ahhed about going back home to get on with his uni work but by the time we'd got ourselves sorted, it was 10pm and A decided to stay here and chill whilst I went to the party! I got home around 2ish and we had our own private party whereby, we danced, drank, laughed and I cried about my insecurities and trust issues..

Again, we crashed about 4am! I'm tired today but I realise that A is touching me deeply..We've shared so much intimacy and feelings about different things this weekend that I feel like we have an understanding. I told him that he can always trust me and that he really should never believe he can't..
I really don't know where any of this is going to go and I really don't want him to move away from Nottingham if he gets a job elsewhere but I understand that he has to follow the path that best benefits him and his future...however, I also feel that I'd like to be involved in his future on some level..I think I'm falling for this man, I really think I am.

1 comment:


Reluctantly went to bro n sis in laws (no Sky = no football). Got pissed, took the piss out of a strangely cross eyed Jesus on tele, upset everyone by being a heathen.

All in all an excellent Easter apart from no football.