Thursday, March 06, 2008

To bring a ray of sunshine to those incarcerated

Today in my hostel teaching environment, I was called a 'Ray of Sunshine'. This touched me greatly and especially when the person who said it, is an ex offender who is likely to be 'on licence' all of his life. I have faith that criminals can rehabiliate, I see positiveness from some of the men that I teach, I see a light switch on and a hope in their heart. Some of these men have committed attrocious crimes against others' but they are also often a product of what their own life has been. I'm not excusing behaviour here and I am very aware that there are people who are extremely manipulative BUT, to receive such a sweet comment from this student, reminded me that after all, this person is a human being with feelings..hence I never believe that the death penalty is a good thing..

Tomorrow, I plan to visit A. I look so forward to seeing him and his lovely smile and self.. I may well cycle over there or maybe take the train and cycle the rest of the way to where he lives..I had a lovely chat with him last night and feel easy and light about everything with him.. Here's to sharing a sweet night with him again.


Furtheron said...

I belive that people can change. I have some friends with awful backgrounds but look at them today and you'd never know.

I've never agreed with the death penalty not just becasue of that but I believe the society has to remain above that to show that it is better than the crime if you see what I mean. To me the death penalty isn't a deterent as bad people will do bad things and if you have an environment with the state can murder what does that say?


mmmmmm. Rehabilitation eh?

Nowt against it in principle but...

if someone burgled me whilst I would have no objection to him being rehabilitated into a useful member of society it would have to be after I'd kicked ten bells out of him including breaking a leg or some'at.

Thing is he would have invaded 'my space' and, possibly, frightened my family and, possibly, nicked stuff we've worked hard to get.

Even if he wasn't violent I would still completely mullah him just for doing it.

Other problem is how much is spent helping the victims? How much time is given helping the victims?

As a victim of an armed robbery in 2003 I can say 'sod all'.

I don't want the robbers rehabilitated I want to give em a kicking or be told they're in for a minimum of 15 no parole.

"Vengeance is mine" sayeth the Lord.

No it bloody isn't it's mine!!

I admire what you do but I'd still mullah them first. Nowt like pain to make you think twice before doing it again eh? ;-)