Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Me? Dear Me?

My ex of 11 years used to call me 'incourageable'. I tempted him to do things and had a life and soul element about me. He was, according to the Chinese Horoscopes a 'wood Dragon', whereas me? I am a Fire Sheep - Totally burnt the wood I guess;
I guess I was too hot to handle at times. Sometimes I think to myself that it's gonna take a 'special sort of guy' to understand, relate, love, trust, accept, nurture and take me for who I am..

I don't want to be criticised for being a woman for the the following things..

Don't always have silky smooth shaven legs
Nail Varnish a tad scratched
Too drunk
Not respected cos I have two kids by 2 different fathers
Not respected because my long term relationships with men have failed
Making assumptions about who I am
Perceiving me as being 'unworthy'
Not going to beauticians, nail bars and all of that bullshit that so many sad women buy into

I do feel that there is still BIG issues with the sexes and maybe this means, an element of misogyny will evermore exist amongst men..


Furtheron said...

Now I know I'm an odd fish at times but why would anyone judge anyone by the things you've listed?

Now I would judge you if you were having multiple relationships at once, were treating your children badly, weren't concerned with your fellow human beings.... etc.

Stop being concerned about what shallow fools may judge you on and continually present to them the things you should be judged on.

P.S. other than the fact Mrs F has had a successful long relationship (actually I ought to check on that with her:-)) she doesn't always sort the leg thing, nail varnish hardly ever on let alone scratched, very occaisionally drunk, I doubt she's ever been in a beautiticians - and we have one less than 50 yrds from our house....

Sara said...

Yeah, I know and this is so true. My son's father didn't give a shit in fact, on the contrary, he loved hairy legs and armpits lol, so I saved myself a lot of dosh with him! I guess he was an 'old school' type guy who was big and active on the Punk scene and to be shallow like this was an insult to women....I do fear that some of the younger generation of males though have a totally wrong idea and indeed stereotype about what constitutes a woman.God help women in the future!
