Sunday, March 02, 2008

Whirl of a Weekend...

A heavy last three days has been had by Rantingsara, not heavy in the hippy sense but heavy in the 'full on and fun' sense. I visited A which was good, good fun and I was introduced to one if his friends who was a sweetheart, seemed a proper genuine sort of guy. We all had a good laugh, A cooked for us, as we pressured him to and he did used to be a Chef..He managed to throw together a real nice pasta sauce with pasta, pretty impressive to say his cupboard was almost bare! We had a good chat about many things and as I suspected, A has a VERY, let's call it a 'colourful' past to the say least! BUT depsite this, I feel he has a good heart and reflects a lot about things he/I says.. Had a seriously weird Deja Vu moment with him, God knows what that was all about but it freaked me a little!
My best friend from school got married for the second time to a spanish guy, who she met 5 years ago when her first marriage was breaking down..the road to their love hasn't been an easy one but their love for each other is so strong, that it proves to me that things can come true and indeed work out, if both parties are truly 'in love' dedicated and prepared to accept the rough with the smooth. The ceremony was emotional for me and indeed touched me greatly, it was also fairly 'High Churchy' due to R being a Catholic - Bread and wine and all of that malarchy..

R, her new husband, is a one in a million kind of guy, with masses of warmth, kindness, compassion, spirituality and love - quite a unique man in all honesty.. they're also expecting their child in June even though she already has two kids from her previous marriage and is 40., I their life has truly begun!

So, this weekend has been hectic and a whirl, I became emotional on A the other day, tears flowed and the like, long story but the comfort I felt from him really warmed my say he has such a 'colourful' past and hard exterior, he has an inner beauty of such ability to show a real, soft and genuine caring core, this touched me greatly, in all reality. Deary me..I feel grounded and calm about A and indeed, feel like I'm getting to know him more and more, as each hour that I see him, passes..

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