Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bad taste in the mouth

Lying? Dishonesty? Protecting me from whatever?

Never been a fan of lying, untruths, dishonesty and the patronising way some people think that they are doing you a favour by keeping information from you, that may upset you..By this I mean, to share intimate times with a fellow human being and yet, dishonesty about something pretty crucial is prevalent, makes it all seem futile, insincere, disloyal, meaningless and not what I'm about or what I want in my life.
I've always tried to maintain that honesty with those closest and indeed around us, is the only good and productive way to live one's life. It seems many pther people don't hold this value or practice it. What then is the point of intimacy with one who can't be honest and sincere with you? There is no point really is there? Yes, granted we all make mistakes but there's also taking the piss and when this occurs then time's up really, methinks. Crapness that I'm feeling like this just before Xmas, not how I want to feel and be bogged down with such thoughts.

Long story anyway and won't go into detail but just because someone is caring and kind doesn't mean they have TWAT written on their forehead, does it?

A work mate cheered me up though, yet made me feel a little odd today, she told me that her brother is into the same scene as me and liked the look of me in a photo that she had of me.Nice to get the compliment but really ain't the solution I need right now, in all honesty...Time for bed.

1 comment:

humanobserver said...

I can tolerate everything, but way !