Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Blessed be my son

One more week and I'm back at work. Boo Hoo! I've been enjoying my son though and taking him for early morning swimming lessons, to which he's taken to really well.Today we also went on a bike ride down the river and had lunch at a cafe down there. I feel like we're pertty close at the moment which is a lovely thing. I have a curry meal out tomorrow night with two good friends and then Friday is a visit to my beloved which I look forward to.
I fear my nearly 7 year old guinea pig is on her way out of this world. She's walking all wobbly, has lost weight and seems as though she's gone blind. Poor Mathilda, I love her and she's so cute that I feel all sad when I think she may be passing on from this world..boo hoo. I guess I have to make her as comfortable as possible to ensure she has the softest and comfortable as possible, passing.
I hope when I am ready to pass over that someone is there to make it as comfortable as possible, preferably a loved one holding my hand and showing their love to me, to lighten the journey..

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