Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Rest in fluffiness and Peace Mathilda

Tonight, the 6 1/2 year old family guinea pig died - 29th August 2007 on the night of a beautiful full moon and clear starry night.
Mathilda a cavy breed guinea pig, who was named after the robot 'Mathilda' from Robot Wars, was bought as a birthday present for my son Anton, when he fell 10 years old. He loved her so much back then and like most pets, ended up that me or my partner at the time, looking after her - feeding her, cleaning her etc. My Dad made her a cage which was well and truly crafted lovingly and a pretty good design for guinea pig housing, with a little top box area where she could sleep. I guess this could be classed as 5 star Architecture in guinea pig world.
Mathilda got quite fat though and could hardly get through the top box hole at one time, which did give me a few giggles at times..
The weird thing is, Mathilda would squeek when she heard either me or my ex come into the garden, even though she couldn't see us, her senses picked this up. She loved my ex Paul, she loved me hugging her, she loved being let loose on the grass to graze, she didn't love my youngest son Jake too much cos he used to be a bit rough with her and so each time he went to stroke her, she'd attack him in true Robot War stylee! This made me giggle a bit too - I guess for Jake the lesson was to be kind to animals and treat them gently.
I guess on some level, I also think it's weird that Mathilda hung on until today to pass..My eldest son Anton, has been in Denmark for 6 weeks and he returned back yesterday. This means that he got to see her before she died..I wonder how much animals sense a person? It feels as though she was waiting until he arrived home to die, even though she's been slowly dying for the past week or so and I've been nursing her.
Death and passings, all a part of life and the cycles of life. I thought about my Mum, I wept a little and I feel sad that Mathilda, who has shared part of our lives for 6+ years has now departed this plane.
May she rest in fluffiness and peace...

1 comment:


My white blind cat Princess Puffball died yeasterday. Sad but she had a great life to what she'd have had without us. She was dumped at around 3 years old. 16 years later she'd enjoyed her life - except when I moved the furniture around and she'd make a 'snorty' sound of disgust as she walked into my armchair