Monday, September 17, 2007


Adjusting to something new is strange, rearrange the patterns that have taken over your mind. Repatterning the mind and thoughts can be troublesome it's true, but I guess the thing to do is to have faith, to enjoy, to love, to feel thanks, to appreciate, to believe, to enjoy, to relax in the moment and enjoy the time, the sweetness.
New friendships remind you about who you are, what you're about, especially when you've been hurting deep down, inside the pit of your stomach and soul. But then trust kicks in and wondering whether to?
So, I take a calm refrain and breathe slowly, remind myself, who I am. Why I'm loved.
The words of my sweet friend, who's always been a sturdy crutch for me in times of distress, so touching and frank, so reassuring and thoughtful - For these are the times, that make our lives feel worthy, alive and able to fuck the strife.
To those who care and love, thanks be with you and you make my world a good place to be alive in.

1 comment:

Aunt Jackie said...

Things are tough sometimes... Weird how alot of us have met 'virtually' online... Not that we know each other like we would if we were neighbors down the street, but still I care and hope that everything continues to improve for you!