Thursday, September 06, 2007


Recently I'm having bouts of feeling nauseous and queezy. I don't know why but I'm waking up feeling this and throughout the day I get this. (And no I'm not pregnant LOL, I lead a sex free life right now!)

Anyone else having bouts like this?Not the sex free-life bit but the nauseous bit ;-)

I wonder whether this is caused through using the PC at work too much? I wonder if it's cos my office space is so bad to work in?

Hmm early night and swim for me tomorrow.. AND a quiet weekend of reading I think apart from my friend's civilised 40th family birthday. Actually, I'm looking forward to a quiet time this weekend.


Furtheron said...

Do you feeling dizzy with it? If so then a lot of it about - I've had a form of vertigo for about 2 years now. I generally can spot it coming on and know there and then to stop and relax and take pain killers - it's a form of migraine.

if not the dizzy bit as well then - no idea. You aren't watching too much TV or listening to the radio? I often find myself feeling sick in the company of too much of the so called media pumped at us these days.... :-)

Being sex free is very good for your creativity.... so I've been told :-)

Aunt Jackie said...

Well that's true, my Mother has had bouts of Vertigo and she described it as "Sick and Dizzy", but unable to function though...

If it keeps up, see a doc--maybe high blood pressure related? Or check your sugar levels??

Take care you!

Gabriel said...

Hi I notice that you are one of the few who lists dub reggae in your profile as being one of your favourite did I. I hope you will feel less queasy soon..Your welcome to stop by at my blog any time you fancy.


old Jay Cam's gettin' about a bit in't he?

Large vodka and you'll feel fine.

Works for me

Sara said...

Cheers guys, hungover today so there you go! Maybe I feel sick cos of having to go to work. Hmm