Saturday, September 22, 2007

What a Wonderful Life..

Well, I hit 40 years old on Thursday..a milestone and a weird one in anyone's books. Anyway, at first I woke up feeling pissed off cos my kids hadn't even thought to think about my birthday. I spent the day feeling fed up and sad. Later that day, my ex came to babysit whilst I went out for a local drink with a couple of mates.
The drink was nice and chilled but didn't feel like my birthday really. Anyway, Friday came and this was just the complete opposite - bearing in mind I'm having a weekend of festivities! I woke up and went for a long swim, I then went for a birthday massage from my friend, who's a trained masseur who knows just how I like to be touched. This was her present to me, what a wonderful pressie. After this, the day just got better. I met friends later on at alate bar with real good DJs and tunes that I love. The beloved turned up, I wondered whether he might but I didn't want to expect it because we'd had a fall out some time ago.
It meant a lot to me that he turned up. We chatted and ironed out issues from our fall out - a sabbatical as he told my friend, this made me laugh. We had a good time talking and dancing and I was sad when he left..It added glitter to my night to see him and forget the bad words and past. It made my birthday in fact, alongside all of my wonderful mates being present andf their love radiating at wonderful is this? I also had a special birthday cake made for me as a gift, which was truly lovely and a special gesture indeed.

Afterwards, some of us headed to a small gathering at a friend's house whereby the atmosphere was one of warmth, friendliness, acceptance, philosophical conversation, grounded lovely people. I left at 5.30am feeling happy, rather off my box but very content with my world.

Tonight, I'm off for a curry in a posher curry restaurant with 15 others. More of a formal affair but will no doubt end very informal cos all of my friends are prone to this!!!

I feel that life is wonderful right now, I'm glad my beloved made the trip out and we buried the past(I hope). I still have so much love in my heart for him, just to see his face andf feel his presence has always been enormous to me.

So guys, 40, knackered in the toxic sense of too much substances but wonderfully happy.

1 comment:


Nowt wrong wi forty babe.

Wanna swap? x