Thursday, May 15, 2008

And the world continues to spin on its axis to new dawns and new happiness

Slowly but surely, I'm starting to feel a little better..had a lovely weekend although I was fed up that A cancelled Sat night, to then ring me and want me to go and see him - to which I refused as I'd cancelled my babysitter! I told him I can't change plans just like that when kids are part of the equation and my time is limited etc..
A friend had a birthday celebration on Sunday in her garden, very funny time was had; headstands, limbo dancing, drinking too much, laughing and enjoying being with all of my lovely friends.
My son took part in a school assembly yesterday and was so sweet to see him take part in this and read his little part!

I was invited to A's yesterday for the afternoon, so took my bike on the train and then cycled to his..meeting him along the way coming from the opposite direction as he cycled to get something.. Talked about a lot of stuff with him and read a fair bit of his uni submissions, not long noe til he completes his course - I feel happy for him for doing so well and changing his life! Keep trying to get him to come to The Buddhist Centre with me - we'll see! I'd like to see him at the weekend but I understand he has a load fo work to be getting on with - we'll see. We did end up having an afternoon drink and I cycled home at 7pm - great cycle lanes all of the way back to mine! Hurrah for cycle lanes.

Will be taking a good old swim today and hoping to go out on Saturday with a friend to see Bonobo! Not the monkey but a band..

Next weekend will be the first festival of the year for me, can't wait and getting ready for some festival action..always love this festival and always love being out in the open air at this time of the year! Banco de Gaia and Transglobal Underground are playing which will be fab! Be great to hear Transglobal's Sitar Player for sure!

Signed off for another few weeks and then I may try and return to work but I'll see how I am nearer the time..I do have the tendency to dip some at times so I need to ensure I'm feeling properly recovered.

Here's to the sunshine, festivals, dear friends, kids and Life!!!


Furtheron said...

Sounds good to me...

My son sent me a text wishing me a happy sobriety birthday yesterday which had a little fanfare play when you opened it.

I was really touched. The love of your kids is an indescribable benefit isn' it.

Furtheron said...

Just saw your comment on my blog.

I can't understand why you can't see it.... I mean it's just me playing with myself in a small bedroom... Oh that sounds wrong ;-)

If the direct URL would help email me at and I'll ping it over to you

Trust me though - it's not worth effort probably

Aunt Jackie said...

Hoping you have many wonderful days to come, and everything continues to lighten up and go well!

Enjoy every moment...