Friday, July 11, 2008

Today is a Difficult One

Fuck me, I woke up this morning feeling full of gloom regarding my business about A. I feel like there's a big hole in me and feel empty and sad, to the point of ridiculous life contemplating thoughts going through my stupid head.
I'm such an emotional person that at times, it really does my head in but I've always been as such and I guess this ain't gonna change.

I guess too, I'm thinking that normally we'd be spending weekends together and thus reminiscing. Bah! Realtionships/fuck buddies/Friends with benefits bullshit sucks. I can't do them! Time to take the lone road..

I have bloody strong feelings for A and I guess this is what happens when you spend a lot of time with someone on an intimate level - well at least for me it does. Shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Swimming time methinks and this will do me good!

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