Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So the days wonder past.....

The last few days have been a contemplative time indeed. I'm rewinding to Friday night quite a lot and trying to remember whether I did anything really wrong whilst at A's. I don't think I was that bad, I know I was on a bit of a swearing mission and I was maybe a little too loud but I am a loud person at times and this tends to be cos I get excited about stuff and then want to share my excitement with others. I sort of think I may've been a little challenging too but apart from this, I was also very kind and thoughful - FFS, I cycled to Sainsburys in the dark, bought some food and ingredients for a birthday cake and made said cake!

Although I now realise that men who are cooks are best left alone in the kitchen cos they get territorial about things and seem to want to take over!

I don't know, I'm missing A a lot and missing not having contact with him although I left an item of clothing at his I think so maybe at some point I'll see him to retrieve it. I don't like to think that you can get so close to someone over a year and then they're sort of not in your life anymore.. especially when you've shared extremely intimate moments and spent weekends together..Hmm not easy!

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