Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wind of change

So the autumn wind and rain are with us and in many ways, this symbolises change, out with the old and new beginnings.

Wind of change
Rearrange -
Blow out the old, destructive -
Bring in the new..
Nurturing -
Without acceptance, nurturing and love,
Life stays static; rots,
Emotions become erratic.
Autumn gold shine on me,
My life is free
To be
Who I want to be.
Free my world of destructive, corruptive energy.

So been reading the Diane di Prima Revolutionary Letters poetry book and Man Interrupted about OCD. Also been following stuff about Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine. Interesting stuff and poignant to say the least!
Not alot planned for this week but I have LKJ spoken word event to look forward to on monday and my hope to do something on Saturday night - not sure what but time will guide the force.. I asked my son if he wants to head to Goose Fair but he just isn't interested so that seems like a No No. Hmm back to qriting some stuff for work and reading my books!

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