Thursday, August 03, 2006


Had a very emotional week since my return from Wales, but like this wonderful staircase, I hope that things will be looking up. I have a real love of staircases, they're sort of infinite in many ways. These beautiful stone steps are ones that belong to Harlech castle.
Can you imagine the amount of footsteps that have trodden on these steps?
The amount of years these steps have felt the different soles of shoes?
The different types of 'fashion' shoes that have trodden these steps? Heels, boots, sandals, flip flops, wedges, trainers, sneakers, pumps, stilettos.
When I walked these steps I couldn't help thinking about the women who would've walked to their destiny? What were their destinys? Were they happy, sad, depressed, elated,suicidal, in love, downtrodden, abused, slaves, ecstatic, joyous, angry, furious, woeful? and beyond?

It's just amazing how a staircase can get the mind so active!!

1 comment:


Going down them headfirst after copious vodka has that effect on me.