Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A word of thanks

I know my blog gets pretty emotional at times but I've been through a hell of a lot recently.
Mum dying, 10 year relationship finally closing, the person I'm 'in love' with having unreciprocal feelings, sustaining and motivating some of the most damaged people in society via my teaching job which really can take its toll, when your own life has been difficult.
I've been extremely wobbly to say the least over the last 6 months, which has been tough. I'm now trying to maintain in the best way I know possible, this has been hard and it often takes on the form of dark thoughts and bad days.
I therefore end up using writing as a medium to express my sadness and emotion, rather than internalising and causing myself too much internal destruction and dis-ease.
Please bear with my outbursts and sorrow as you guys have been like a rock at many times and have really kept me strong! Thank you all for being so kind and caring.I also thank my friends for being so kind, understanding and supportive.

Oh, and the picture? It's one that I love, it sums up a feeling of anticipation, longing and bewilderment for me.


Sara said...

I know you have Barnze and I hope you're both keeping smiling too. Yeah, I'll try my best :)

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Emotional blogging is good, don't be ashamed, keep putting it out there, this is yours, not ours.


Sara said...

Cheers Dan.
I tell you, you guys and Six Feet Under, have seen me through some of the darkest moments you wouldn't believe. Sounds mad I know when I have a load of mates too but when in a state of lonesomeness at weird hours, cyber buddies have been a blessing! xxx


Just be you. All yer need in the end. x

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

It's been nice to have been of use.