Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The will to write

Well today I've had a very heavy conversation with a student I was teaching. It's content went along the lines of what makes sex offenders do what they do and their future rehabilitation. I can't go into great detail as this would be breaking confidetiality about this person. However, even though this man has done a horrendous crime, I had an interesting and insightful conversation, which in many respects, confirmed what I've always thought.

Anyway, at the moment I'm having a bit of a dry patch with writing. I'm just not getting the enthusiasm and passion for writing at the moment...It will return though as my mood does tend to change throughout the month!

On a positive, I have no plans for the weekend, which is rather nice - was gonna go camping but I doubt it now as the weather's a wee bit hellish for outdoor camping. A good friend has invited me to Manchester Gay Pride, which I must say, I am rather tempted as I know I'd have a wicked time there! 3 days of mentalness partying!!

However, I haven't decided as yet, so we'll see...In some ways, I'd actually just like a quiet night in with a friend or a meal out and then chilling out later, listening to music...we'll see what fate throws at me.

1 comment:

FOUR DINNERS said... offenders always get me waffling on about the death penalty so I won't go there I think...oops..just did

Enjoy the pride march if yer go or the chill out if yer don't. x