Friday, May 25, 2007

Cosmic weirdness and LOVE

I visited my beloved last night. I got my anger out with him about issues that have upset me in the past. This was good for me;cathartic but in no way meant as a way to hurt, or make anyone feel guilt. I needed to say these words because the pain I've felt, over time, has to be buried now and allowed to perish away.
I have to forgive, forget and love the person I love, for who he is, for making me laugh last night, for being caring, for being such a beautiful person who I've always connected with,for belonging to such a depth of soul that I feel at one with, on so many levels and for him being HIM.

We looked at Mayan Calendar websites which were pretty fascinating to say the least. I would've liked to read about these more and will do, when I get back from the festival I'm off to today.

On the way back home, the taxi driver was playing and sort of watching, a DVD about UFO theories and wars that 'apparently' go off in space. Hmm, didn't quite know what to make of this but it was odd considering the cosmic Mayan stuff I'd been looking at previously! He then started to talk about Terrorist stuff and the 'rapture' regarding right wing Christianity! Blimey! He then went on about micro - chips in humans in the future and something about Jack Straw. Bearing in mind, all of this I had to listen to, after having a wee smoke of grass! My God, talk about psyched out!!!
Now either this taxi man suffers from some cosmic understanding, or he's completely on the level of being slightly bonkers! I don't know what to think but my conclusion is, he's been watching the Extra terrestrial DVD a bit too much and I think he may possibly need to chill out on the human micro chip front.. Maybe he's right, maybe he's a messenger, maybe he's just insane! Who bloody knows, but one thing's for sure, the heavens had a weird cosmic energy about them last night!



The cabbie was almost certainly right. Our freedoms are disappearing. We are watched constantly on cctv - now they have voice activated ones to shout at people who drop litter!!! I know dropping litter is wrong but this is getting frightening. Renew your passport now or they'll want your DNA!!!'ve got an alien commenting

Aunt Jackie said...

I'm with ya... Very interesting stuff here... Glad you have been able to let 'beloved' know how you feel... I was never so lucky.