Thursday, May 11, 2006


Fuck am I dreaming so much at the moment! I also tend to remember quite a lot of my dreams too, which can be rather unnerving.
My dream last night was VERY weird. I was walking along a long road and in one of the house windows that I passed, sat my recently deceased Mum, staring out at me.
I looked at her and wondered past rather indifferently, which concerned me greatly, in real life. She looked slimmer and younger faced with longer grey hair.
I don't quite know what this dream was supposed to represent? My busy-ness whilst she was alive? My indifference at times, as a daughter? My not seeing her before she died? (I'd seen her 2 weeks before she died and had been told not to visit because she thought she had a stomach bug and had been sick a lot)
This dream's worried me a bit..
I had a 'real dream in life' to treat my Mum when I wasn't so busy in life. I took driving lessons a few years ago, only because I wanted to be able to take my Mum out to nice places, when she was really infirm. This real dream I will never fulfill.
My mind's reflecting me me back to Six Feet Under and the belief that passing souls reappear in our dreams, as a way of communicating again with us...maybe as a way of reassurance, especially when we miss those whom we love and miss so much...
I wonder?..I really wonder?

1 comment:


Maybe, but I hope mine doesn't pop up in me dreams when she's shuttled off. Bloody hell. Talk about a nightmare on elm street!!!