Thursday, May 18, 2006

Return to the Source

I've made a positive decision recently, with the help of a friend, to return to Yoga. Three years ago, I practised Yoga on a regular basis but then gave up due to work committments, finances, kids,life, you name it,things just got in the way.
Yoga all them years ago, opened me up greatly on a spiritual level. Indeed it grounded me like nothing had done before and it took me down a path of reigniting my love for the earth and all things on an elemental level.
I became extremely interested in 'Wicca' and 'Green Witchcraft'(Herblore using plants/herbs to heal) at this time and started to practise certain elements of Wiccan beliefs and ritual.
In addition,I had a wonderful yoga teacher who was and still is, a deeply spiritual person, with a love of nature and the elements.
So after my second session in 3 years, I'm surprised at how supple I still am. I still remember the poses and asanas and I can still manage a great pose called 'Downward Dog' and 'Upward dog'. Strength wise, I still seem to have really strong upper body strength, which I'm quite impressed about!
I look really forward to another session next week and feel really positive about returning to my source.



You go girl! Jax has just started yoga. It helps her back. Little Caz took her to church up to 3 months back when she decided she liked the sound of Buddhism n that's led onto yoga.

(Altogether now... hommmmm)

Sara said...

Ha ha hoooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Yes, it's a truly wonderful thing to do that's for sure.