Saturday, May 27, 2006

Wishing to nowhere

Have you ever had the luck to experience the headfuckedupness of 'wishing things could be different' and 'wishing you could rewind time back'? Indeed if I had a time machine, I'd rewind time back to a few months ago. I won't go into detail but I just would.

I know too, on a rational level that wishing is a waste of delicate, precious time and is an action that should be avoided.
How though, does one avoid this action if one has no control over it? If it's there in your head from the minute you wake up and re-enters your thoughts throughout the day at random points?...Perpetually affecting your emotional state?
Is this 'wishing' indeed the road to insanity? Or is it something else? The inner voice continually reminding you about these wishes..the gut feeling kicking in?

Is this just obsessive thought patterns or is there a deeper meaning to this? Fucked if I know but it don't half do my head in at times! I'm still clinically 'sane' I think?


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Very sane, life is just complicated and we wouldn't want it any other way...

Sara said...

Thanks Dan..That's true in many ways although I'm getting too tired 'complicated' now. But yes, it does also make us who we are too so thanks for the uplift :)

Sara said...

meant to say Dan - too tired now for 'complicated' ..silly me:(


Insane's good. ('N much more fun)

Sara said...

I am insane and sane...I'm a balanced being, I think? ;)