Friday, October 06, 2006

Full Moon Emotions

Wow! Wow!

What a strange day. I'm still in yearning but listening to William Orbit sorts my head out a bit, although I do tend to fantasise somewhat to his sounds..they're pretty en-trancing. I dream of sharing these sounds with a beloved. If you want some erotic-ish music to share with a loved one, try the Strange Cargo Hinterland album, Some of the tracks are just out of this world, in my dreamy opinion. Especially love 'She Cries your name', 'El Ninjo','Crimes of the future',Name of the wave' and 'Say Anything'. Wow!

Anyway, No wonder I've felt emotional over the last few days and especially today. 100% Full Moon today folks! Ooooo how I love a full moon. I'm off to an outdoor party tonight near a canal which if the eve stays as it's been today, cool and windy, the eve should be a special one. I'm sure all the wind and spiritual feeling you get with the elements will make the night extra special! Can't wait to feel the wind blow through my hair and the water rustle with my soul. Hoping there'll be an open fire too which will melt away at my heart.

Anyway here's my own astrological forecast and an explanation about the 'Harvest Moon'.

This week's Full Moon is the annual event known in the northern half of the world as the Harvest Moon. Its name is derived from the fact that it rises above the horizon faster than usual ... providing farmers with a period of bright moonlight at the end of the day.

This year, the Harvest Moon falls in the passionate and bold sign of Aries -- inspiring us to take action and follow our desires. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries -- almost like a child -- has a tendency to be self-focused and can miss perceiving the needs of others. Impulsive and spontaneous, Aries' "go for it" attitude comes in handy when pursuing a prized goal ... but in close relationships, there's a risk of accidentally bruising a loved one's feelings.

As this particular big moon fills out the night sky, it's a good time to contemplate your close connections.

Have special weekends out there folks and thanks for all being such beautiful, kind souls to me.

1 comment:

Aunt Jackie said...

I love the full moons, but I can't say that this past weekend was one of my favorites... just felt downish all weekend... didn't sleep well... all that.