Monday, October 30, 2006


I really don't get why some people are horrible to each other? What the fuck is the point of it? Honesty, openess and respect for each other is totally where I'm at. I really don't buy into being horrible to people or for that matter, I don't like hearing about friends, people I love, associates, anyone for that matter, being treated horribly. For God's sake, this is how wars start..don't people actually equate nastiness with the bigger picture and problems on a worldwide scale? I certainly do.

For any people out there who get off on being an arsehole, I suggest you go and read some Buddhist Philosophy for some enlightenment and as a way to live your life. I love someone deeply, hence me never wanting to cause him distress even though he may've not been the sweetest of people at times, but I accept that he will have a bad conscience for actions that may have been hurtful. And, I know he has a conscience; he is a sweet, beautiful person underneath the outer shell, who I've always been so happy to be around and share lovely times with.

So, if anyone you encounter in the nest few days is horrible I suggest you smile at them and go and tell them to become a little more enlightened.


Anonymous said...

They are just projecting their own deep personal pain onto others.

It's a weakness we all fall for.


Human race babe. Some good some not so...