Friday, January 11, 2008

Dysfunctional Hell

So, this week has been a weird and mixed one emotionally. My son's Father was again delayed with moving into his new place, all because the builders hadn't finished the repairs! So yesterday, he was finally crowned with the glory of being 'the tenant'. One and half years of waiting for a Housing Association place; cheapish rent, apparently warm, clean and pleasant. We ended up having a massive row on the day that he signed the contract; My idea was that he'd come straight over to mine afterwards and pick a lot of his stuff up so that I could sort things this weekend. His idea and indeed actions = went to the pub for a supposed 30 mins, which ended up as 90 mins! That straight away rubbed me up the wrong way cos I felt he'd got all of his priorities wrong..I don't like being around him when he starts drinking too much cos it ends up in major rows and he starts going down the 'victim and abusive' route, which I don't like! We yelled, I screamed and then cried. He then left, to hid new empty flat with his bottle of cider, beer and sleeping bag..
This is why we were so different I remember now; Different energies, different ways fo doing and prioritising things, working against rather than 'with' each other. I remember reading that Taureans are stubborn and get set in ways..Both being Earth signs we were supposed to be compatible. Not that I believe everything I read in the daily horoscopes, they're a load of bollocks! BUT I do believe in the natal birth chart and mine, quite frankly, has masses of fire signs..Hmm, where did that temper come from? I think at angry, frustrating times like the above, I should have the gift of 'sponateous combustion' but then, with the gift to be able to form myself afterwards, once combustion has occurred! Imagine that eh?

So, my river is now rushing into different, permanent territory. I'm nipping to Jake's Dads today to take some further bits down for him and then he's nipping here to pick up a lot of his other stuff..
God, what a dyfunctional nightmare, you could make a film about my life! Anyway, onwards and upwards and remain positive, life should start to take on the elements that I want it to now..



Only 90 minutes? Did it shut after 90 minutes then?

....shut up Dinners ;-)

Sara said...

And you my dear, may well be facing Sara wrath too ;-)