Monday, October 13, 2008

Seasonal Changes

Years of spring,
Buds and blossom,
Bright and beautiful -
The young form,
Ripe and sweet,
Love to be sworn,
Innocent and fresh,
Pure of the flesh..
Years of summer,
Heat and fire,
Gold and alive,
The passionate urge -
Exploring a yearn
Loved and reborn,
Knowledge and quest,
Give of the best..
Years of autumn,
Tinged and windswept,
Worn around the edges,
Freyed, yet wisdom pledges,
Loved. left. alone.
Curling inwards -
Decaying cells,
Years of winter,
Remain to be seen,
Will they gleam?

1 comment:

humanobserver said...

every words of your poem permeated into my heart, mind and soul.....