Monday, March 20, 2006

Argghhhh Six Feet Under...Where are you?

Well, I'm now used to living in a perpetual state of flueness. I've been watching quite a lot of films, been glued to the PC and I even dared to watched the last episode of Season 3 Box set of Six Feet Under. That's it! Done and dusted! All gone! All watched!! Boooooo Hooooooo. I need another fix from Alan Ball.
As ever it proved as I'd hoped. Sad, happy, fun, philosophical. It made me cry - as always! Poor Nate and Claire, they've been through such dark times in this episode. I want to give them a big, warm hug. Although Claire did have a surreal meeting with a one dead Gabe. Who finally decalared his love for her. He spoke words of great truth when he said.

"The world wasn't for me. I was selfish when I was alive. I have a purpose in life now I'm dead"

Woah, such deep words from gorgeous Gabe. He was indeed referring to his destructive behaviour whilst on the living plain. His life as a dead person had made him face himself and had enabled him to become a kind, caring and loving person. Heavy stuff, I know!!
Poor Nate was now consoled(or not) with the news of finding Lisa's body. Such distress this poor guy is going to face in season 4. Nate, like many, went on a mission of destruction. Sleeping with a whore, getting beat up, pissed, nearly killing himself. He ran to his love. He ran to what he thought was 'Home' for his soul. He ran to Brenda.

What an episode! And now I have to wait for Box Set 4 to be put on sale. I have to wait for Channel 4 to air Season 5. I wish they'd bloody hurry up cos I've got lots of time to kill!!

I'm thinking about a quote someone sent me recently.

"Wot don't break ya can only make ya"..Hmm I'm thinking about this quite alot. I'm unsure whether I believe this. I'd go more with.....

"Wot makes ya also has the strength to break ya" Just my thoughts on that one though! Not many people 'make' another.

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