Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Oh Dear...

Hello! Oh dear, I hope I'm not boring any of you out there with my ridiculous rantings. I have one more poem to post and then I'll try and calm down on it. It serves a short term purpose for me and always has!
Before I thrust you into the world of Sara's poetry, I'm pondering the Budget. I wonder what Mr Brown will throw at us.
I wish he'd renationalise the utilities.
I wish he'd higher taxation for the better off and distribute wealth to the poorer.
I wish we'd spend less on killing people.
I wish environmental issues were taken account of.
I wish many things would change but I know it won't.
I await.

Poem for Today

Life Without You
Life without you
Won't feel right
Empty, cold
Devoid of light.
I can't imagine
The picture I see
Of you someplace else
Happy and free
A voice tells me
You love me so dear
Too scared to let yourself
Escape from your fear
I love you so much
It pains me it's true
Sadness faced
A life without you.
Now, I'll bloody shurrup!!
Happy Budget Day out there!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Will do Barze...will do! Cheers! Hope the sniffles are proving a bit less snivelly!;)