Monday, March 13, 2006

Moon and Moods.

Well today dear reader I'm in a strange, outrageous mood. I'm quite a believer in the moon and the part it plays in affecting people's moods. I tend to get extremely giddy, silly, a bit manic and emotional around the time of a full moon. There is, my dear reader, a full moon tomorrow! A lunar eclipse!
I've been in a right stupid, silly, manic mood today! I like the energy this mood brings and I like the feel of wanting to do something mad! I won't do anything mad but the thought is there. I'm feeling cheeky, naughty and devilish!
If the moon has such an affect on the tides and water then I think it most certainly has an affect on the human body due to it's high water consistency.
I remember an old friend of mine, told me that he would often get an increased intake of patients on a mental health ward around the time of a full moon. I wonder then, what changes or pulls are going on in our body around this time? Whatever happens, I feel it on some level and I find it extremely fascinating. Indeed if we believe that we are part of the natural cycle of things, then the moon is part of that cycle.

Check out this thread about moods and the moon and see what you think to the discussion

For me, I love the Moon. It's a magical force. It's truly magnetising and it captures so many thoughts and so much of our imagination as both child and adult. There is truly nothing like walking under a full moon, using its light to guide you to your destination. There is truly nothing like watching the reflection of the moon on the sea or a lake. There is truly nothing like looking at the moon as a child and wondering what it's all about. I still look at the moon now and ponder what it's all about but I love it all the same.


Sara said...

It sure is Barnze! I love it....not long for Edale now! ;) 3 weeks and I'll be in that lovely, cosy cottage and looking at the moon!

Alison said...

I found your blog randomly, and I wanted to comment on your moon post. My mom worked in a mental hospital, and she said, that without fail, they would all go especially crazy during the full moon. It was always the worst part of the month. So I am with you on this one!

Sara said...

Yes, this seems to be the same experience for my friend who manages a mental health ward here in the UK. Definitely makes you question stuff, thats for sure! Good that you popped by - will check out your blog! ;)