Sunday, June 10, 2007

When love leaves him...

I miss
The man who was
In love, with me.
Who held me closely, tight
Who set my insides alight -
Melting my heart and soul
Making me feel whole.
I miss not to touch his skin
Soft and warm within
Kissing the scars on his arms
Magically healing his self harm -
With the touch of my sweet lips -calm.
My sweet.
I miss not studying the vein -
Coming alive under wild desire
Alive and heavenly
on his forehead.
Pulsating, male, sexiness
Reminds me of the river of energy
That flows through his body, lovingly.
I miss the wild nights of desire,
Hours of being on fire.
Heavenly, enchanted and alive
Soft and warm, in which to dive -
My sea of love,
My storm of passion,
My wind of change,
My rain of sadness,
My ray of sunshine,
My fire of energy -
I miss you not being -
"In love with me."
I hope your love
Will return one day,
And stay forever
With me...

1 comment:

Aunt Jackie said...

Enjoyed this, it reminded me again to reply to you about the comments you made on my "Butterflies" saga. Yes, I have always told you that what you seem to feel for your 'beloved' is what I felt/feel/can't stop feeling deep down for what I experienced with Z. It never ceases to confuse me why it won't go away... after 10 years, I am still affected and moved if something reminds me, and even though I am extremely happy and in love with Mr. J, I still feel the effects and still feel a hole in my soul.

Great poem... J