Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bad shit to good shit...

Been a busy, hectic, depressing, angry, worrying, appauling, pathetic time of a week. I've been binging a bit too much on food,(no, I'm not bulimic, but I do sometimes eat too much when I have depressive, anxious thoughts which tells me that I've been stressed and out of control) all down to outside issues. I'm not depressed by the way; light is in the distance, my holiday is close by - a 6 berth fully equipped tent right near the sea!
Anyway, issues? My ex has been playing me up, I guess this could well be a regular feature of having contact with him due to us having a son together. It's a long and labourious story at that and one that I frankly, can't be arsed to write about. All I know is, I'm very tired of him still not being properly settled anywhere after nearly a year of him moving out. This has meant he's sofa surfed at random places. Anyway, after his ridiculous behaviour with me, I've sort of read him the 'Sara Riot Act 2007'; I hope this sinks in, it probably won't cos he's such an anti-authoritarian, ex punk! At least there should be some constant, regular arrangement for my son, which in the end, is my main concern and worry. Anyway, domestic crap aside, I have a rather intersting weekend coming up.
Friday I visit my heart's flame which will be lovely, chance to catch up with each other and enjoy his company.
Saturday, I'm invited to an afternoon/evening house party, with my friend Julie and her new boyfriend Ian; looking very forward to see my friends at this party..AND I hope the weather stays good too!

Today, I've also been looking at properties in the High Peaks. I'm not going to be moving away at the mo but I keep dreaming about living somewhere else such as the peak district. I saw a nice rented place in New Mills - 3 bedded cottage and not badly priced. Plus, New Mills is both close to Sheffield and Manchester and of course, my beloved Edale! It's good to have dreams, even if they don't materialise for a long time, the thought of them is comforting.

I've also been reading an interesting article in The Guardian about Climate Change. This article made me wet my pants, cos the damned thing was sponsored by, guess who? BLOODY SHELL!! Hmm....and I wonder how much they contribute to global warming, displacing peoples in developing nations and have a crappy track record really regarding environmental - Oh the joys of hypocrisy! Ho hum, mustn't grumbe my friends, Onwards and upwards to further floods and landslides!

Bidding you a farewell and a good wekend ahead!


Aunt Jackie said...

Hey I hope you have a great weekend as well... Can't get here soon enough for ME!!! :-\


anti-authoritarian ex punk??? I hereby deny that I am residing on your I? Well it was a heavy night last night....