Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Full frontal....

Headaches? Anyone get them? Anyone know what 'fogging' of the head ius about? Fuck me, my head's been getting such a mad feel of crushing and fogging, that it's hard to think at times and indeed remember things! Indeed, this is the first time in years that I've bought a smnall pocket diary to remind me of things that I have planned in the future - I think my brain has completely shut down on some level!

I hope to go and meditate Friday lunch time at the Buddhist centre for an hour; they hold a weekly guided meditation with lunch afterwards..will be nice to feel serene in an inner city setting..will be good to ground and just be for an hour or talking, peace, quiet, love and the rest of what goes with Buddhist philosophy.

Today my Dr's visit was fine, she said that 'ive stopped the world and got off and that, this is at times, needed by people..I definitely need it and I really don't know when I'll feel ready to return to work..I know that the work demands are too much for me to deal with at this moment in time. I need to focus on one thing at a time and take things lightly and easy right now. I still realise that my feelings are still very strong for A, I miss him and what we shared in the time we grew to know each other, the emotional and physical intimacy, the opening of our hearts about different things and feelings, the mutual support at times, thus I need to focus solely on this right now...and indeed work through all of this..It'll be interesting to see him again soon..

Gotta sign out now, my head hurts when I think too much and thus, time to stop the world, writing and stop thinking!

Have a good rest of the week people...

1 comment:

Furtheron said...

Given I think I've got dementia setting in recently I might not be the best to comment on this.... sorry what are we talking about?

Have you been put on any medication by the doctor? First thing it to quickly go back and discuss that as it might be a side-effect.

If not. Then I recommend plenty of rest :-)