Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Post Xmas Spew

Today I've been so tired. I think the amount of food we consume during this period has an effect on our sugar levels and body, hence leading us to feel tired and sluggish! All I've done today is be a lazy sod! Xmas not only leaves you feeling tired but it also makes you realise how wasteful we can be. There must be another way to celebrate Xmas with less waste. Maybe next year, I should vow not to use wrapping paper. I should tell my brother not to throw out food that kids leave but just to give them less? It acually makes me shudder a little really especially when we have so many homeless people who struggle to find a regular meal each day.
Anyway, spew aside, I'm glad a computer is part of my life. I love the fact that I can lie in bed and listen to Radio 4. I love the fact I can lie in bed and watch DVDs on my PC. I love the fact that I can listen to my favourite music and learn about new musicians.
This time next week you can bet I'm gonna be moaning about post New Year's spew, even though I know I'm going to have a good time. So many of my friends are coming out on new Years, that I've a feeling it's going to be a wonderful start to the New Year. What more could one ask for in life? I'm blessed that I have such lovely friends and indeed, friends who share many of the same values as my own.

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