Saturday, December 09, 2006


After my emotional week, I've found a strength again from somewhere..This strength has just sort of come over me today whilst I've been contemplating things. I've decided that I need to start thinking of the old saying 'Onwards and Upwards.' I'm mainly a fairly strong person anyway, but sometimes in life it'd be good to sit back and let life pass me by without the passing feel of 'needing inner strength.'

Anyway, from now on, I need to start enjoying my life on a new level and enjoy what it throws in my direction. I need to spread my wings in some respects and think more about my inner needs and enjoyment, in fact watching a programme on TV last night called 'Healing Plants' reminded me about my love for herbalism. I hope to reignite my love and passion for reading about herbalism. I have a good knowledge 0f herbs and their healing properies already so it'd be good to compliment my already gained knowledge. I haven't made a herbal tincture in years but this programme last night, gave me a wee bit of inspiration to revisit this old passion of mine.

Tonight? I'm off to see some gigs in aid of Women's Aid - all worthy causes. It'll be good to see some friends and to listen to a female punk band I've wanted to see for quite a while. Here's to strength and life...

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