Thursday, October 11, 2007

Floating in Cosmic Happiness

After my spiritual moment, a few weeks ago (the one where I saw a bright light in the shape of a head and shoulders - whom I thought was my Mum)life just seems to be so wonderful. The book I'm reading is verbalising what I feel to be true to my inner core and self..but is able to verbalise it better than I can..maybe? The words, in fact, make complete sense to me. I've been reading about loving yourself and letting the universal energy enfold to where it should do. Good stuff!

I'm also realising to let problems that may occur, wash over me, rather than getting bogged down in the mire. Whatever is meant to be in my life, will be. I will reflect the parts of me that I essentially am.

Anyway, I've had a good if not tiring week. Tonight I'm meeting a good friend to eat in the city, she's been rather ill recently but is now better and thus, will be good to see her again.
Tomorrow I have an appointment to meet someone involved with Indymedia, to find out where/how I can be of help; be it writing, researching, typing, etc..just to help an alternative source of information to the public, excites me! Please check out this link if you have an interest in alternative forms of media reporting.

I may also meet up with another friend for a preview showing of an Ethiopian Artist's work..luckily, my mate is an artist and thus, has a ticket to get into this show. Early show but nice to see some art and maybe stay in the city for a drink before she heads off home..she has a lot to do tommorow night so I doubt the night will be a late one, unless I get other offers, it'll be an early night! I'll just wait and see what the universal powers throw at me.

This weekend? I'm off to an Underworld gig, CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! I love Underworld but I wish the gig was NOT on a Sunday night..what a bad night for a dance music gig eh? I guess I'll need to be refrained on the substance malarchy!

So, there we have it, I'm floating in something that feels like a complete,cosmic happiness..

1 comment:


floatin' in the bath 1/2 hour ago. Not really the same though...