Saturday, October 06, 2007


I've now been going to the Highness nights for quite some time and I must say, every time I go is always a wonderful experience. There's such a vibe of loveliness and happiness. People are always friendly and I leave this night always feeling that life's such a wonderful thing. I spent time talking to a random stranger outside whilst having a wee smoke -he made me laugh when he said he wished more women were like me..what a sweet compliment from a random stranger!

Anyway back to the wonderful music, the soundsystem controllers were really on a good one last night - as they always do, they built the music layers to a fantastic level that sounded not disimilar to Massive Attack's sounds - wow really cool.

My friend? Just to see him smile is something else..this person has an open face but there's a hardness about his exterior, however, crack the exterior to unleash his smile and my, the world lightens up around him. A truly changing persona smile for sure... I don't quite know whether he's as aware about this quality or what but it is definitely one of the lightness things about him.

Anyway, for all things musical check out Highness Myspace and see what you guys think.

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