Friday, October 12, 2007

Fruitful day

Slightly hungover today after my curry night with a mate and a bit of alcohol..
Went to meet the Indymedia contact, which all turned out interesting and informative. I hope to contribute to this organisation and I will try to attend their monthly meetings but childcare and the like, may be an issue.
The good thing is, this organisation works on a no pressure basis and acts as a form of collective, which is all good in my books. Discussed quite a few concerns re. housing, squatters, climate change and generally what is happening at the mo..It felt very easy to talk to my contact aswell, which was nice.
I texted the person I've spoken a lot about in my poems (beloved) but it seems he's not in a good place right now. I guess all I can do is offer support and understanding..I just hope he's OK and is maintaining..I still have deep feelings for him and I do miss him but since he met his new girlfriend I've felt it's best that I take a back seat and let him be guided to where he desires to be led.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get to night where Terry Hall (ex Specials Singer) and Don Letts are appearing, not quite sure what the agenda is regarding this but it'll be interesting all the same.

Here's to a good Friday people and I hope the universe is looking after those who suffer right now.

1 comment:


Big fan of Terry Hall. Enjoy!!