Thursday, June 08, 2006


Do you ever have them days where you feel just deflated? Well today's one of those. We all have them and I'm not gonna deny them...
Possible reasons...

1.The loss of my Mum last year
2.Missing my friend and his soul, on a daily basis.
2.Moon phase is 89% full.
3.Putting loads of energy into a really good project at work (different interactive workshops for vulnerable learners, which included:
DJ Skills, Construction, Engineering, Music Production, Beauty, Photography, Catering, Motor Vehicle maintenance,Creative Writing to name a few.
I've now been informed that the project has now been cancelled due to an SMT decision regarding a development week, which coicidentally, clashes with the day of my project!! Top-down management style there for you!

I wish dreams could come true but there's no use in wishing, I suppose.

1 comment:


ditto....'n they can n do n will. Mainly when yer least expect it.